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Re: swaret ;)

From: Marcin Bielewicz <marcin_bielewicz_malpka_nospam.op.pl>
Date: Sun Mar 28 2004 - 16:12:59 CEST

"Krzys-iek" <admin.a.krionix.ten> writes:

> ja mam inne pytanie, swaret sciaga mi cos z jakiegos ftp ze sciezka
> ...9.1...
 vi /etc/swaret.conf (hint: VERSION=current)

> jak przestawic na current i czy to bezpieczne instalowac z currenta?

 Osobi¶cie nie miałem żadnych problemów.

'I meant,' said Ipslore, bitterly, 'what is there in this world that makes
living worth while?' Death thought about it. 'CATS', he said eventually,
'CATS ARE NICE'.___________________________________________________________
[JID: mbiel_malpka_jabberpl.org] [gg: 4956957] [http://vortex.bryza.net/~martinez]
Received on Sun Mar 28 17:38:56 2004

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