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Re: nVidia i odswiezanie

From: Corvin <corvin.dun.wytnij.to_malpka_wp.pl>
Date: Thu Apr 08 2004 - 10:56:22 CEST

> Section "Device"
> Option "IgnoreEDID" "1"

Option "IgnoreEDID" "boolean"
                Disable probing of EDID (Extended Display Identification
                Data) from your monitor. Requested modes are compared
                against values gotten from your monitor EDIDs (if any)
                during mode validation. Some monitors are known to lie
                about their own capabilities. Ignoring the values that
                the monitor gives may help get a certain mode validated.
                On the other hand, this may be dangerous if you do not
                know what you are doing. Default: Use EDIDs.

Zmien na zero i poustwiaj resze tak jak Ci opisywalem powyzej,
czyli usun modeline i to 100 Hz, a cos mi sie wydawalo nie tak ....


ps. wylaczaj opcje tylko te które rozumiesz.

Received on Sun Apr 11 15:06:06 2004

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