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Mam slackware-current kernel 2.4.20 z dystrybucji 9.0
Musze poustawiac parametry jak ponizej sek w tym ze nie ma takich
plikow/katalogow :
As root, add a line to the end of the file /etc/security/limits.conf that
looks like this:
tim hard nofile 4096
(tim is the name of the user that runs the core)
It is right taht this takes no effect. Before you can use the new limit you have to edit another file.
Login as root.
Change to the directory:
There is a file named "xdm"
open it and at the end this Line:
"session required pam_limits.so".
Reboot, and the Limits.conf will work.
Problem w tym ze nie mam ani pam.d ani security/limits.conf w /etc?
Moze ktos mi podpowie jak to ustawic?
PS pierwszy raz sie z tym spotykam uzywam overnetu na slackware juz
Received on Fri Mar 26 19:26:03 2004