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Re: Jak uruchomic slackware 9.0 bez lilo

From: xxx12 <xxx12@nicram.com.pl>
Date: Tue Oct 14 2003 - 19:01:27 CEST
[slacklist] Re: Jak uruchomic slackware 9.0 bez lilo

Sorry, but the attempt to install LILO has returned = an
error, so LILO has not been correcty installed. = You'll
have to use a bootdisk to start your machine =
It should still be possible to get LILO working = by
editing the /etc/lilo.conf and reinstalling LILO = manually.
See the LILO man page and documentation in
/usr/doc/lilo/ for more help.

Przy probie instalacji lilo pokazuje sie cos takiego, = Skad wziac tego grub'a
i jak go zainstalowac?

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Received on Sat Feb 21 03:43:40 2004
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