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Dc, czyli koszmaru cia;g dalszy (qt?)

From: Filip Pniewski <filipniewski@op.pl>
Date: Sun Jun 22 2003 - 22:13:41 CEST
[slacklist] Dc, czyli koszmaru cia;g dalszy (qt?)

Czesc gdy:
Czesc gdy odpalam program direct connect qt =

dcgui-qt: error while loading shared libraries: = libqt-mt.so.3: cannot
open shared object file: No such file or =

Skompilowalem wiec Qt(>3) zgodnie z instrukcja;, = ale komunikat pozostaje ,

*W instrukcji jest napisane ze w takim przypadku = nalezy:*

If you have problems running the example programs, =

can't load library 'libqt.so.3'

you probably need to put a reference to the qt library =
configuration file *#tego nie rozumiem :( *

and run /sbin/ldconfig as root on your system.* #to = wykona?em,ale bez
wczesniejszego punktu niewiele pomog?o*

And don't forget to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH as explained =

*to chyba tez., w punkcie 2 napisano tak:*

2. Set some environment variables in the file .profile = (or .login,
depending on your shell) in your home directory. = Create the
file if it is not there already.

QTDIR - the directory in which you're building = Qt
PATH - to locate the moc program and other Qt = tools
MANPATH - to access the Qt man pages
LD_LIBRARY_PATH - for the shared Qt library

This is done like this:

In .profile (if your shell is bash, ksh, zsh or sh), = add the
following lines:


#no i tej linii nie rozumiem *
On AIX set LIBPATH and on HP-UX set SHLIB_PATH =


Received on Sat Feb 21 03:41:42 2004
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