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Re: test powierzchni

From: Jacek <sydalg@ekoplyta.pl>
Date: Fri Feb 28 2003 - 17:13:18 CET
[slacklist] Re: test powierzchni

Użytkownik Marcin napisał:
> On Thu, 28 Feb 2002 13:14:30 +0100
> Marcin Grabda <grabka999@interia.pl> = wrote:
>>A # fsck -c ? to do czego sluzy ?
> man fsck :
>    -C     = Display completion/progress bars for those filesystems
> checkers (currently  only  for ext2) = which support them.
>  Fsck will manage the filesystem checkers = so that only = one            =
>  of them will display a progress bar at a = time.
może e2fsck -c /dev/hda1? To polecenie służy do = sprawdzania nośnika.
        =         =         =         =         =         =         =         =         =         =         =         =         =         =         =         Pozdrawiam = Jacek

Received on Sat Feb 21 03:37:25 2004
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