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From: -=[.AptekaRz.]=- <aptekarz@tenbit.pl>
Date: Sat Jan 01 1994 - 14:47:51 CET
[slacklist] Postfix

Mam taki problem zainstalowalem postfix-2.0.4 i mam = problem tego typu ze
wysylam maila np.: z kowalski@mojserwer.pl do = ktostam@wp.pl to taki mail
dochodzi bez zadnych problemow lecz jesli ktos = probuje wyslac na
kowalski@mojserwer.pl maila to otrzymuje = komunikat:

This is the Postfix program at host = mojserwer.pl.

I'm sorry to have to inform you that the message = returned
below could not be delivered to one or more =

For further assistance, please send mail to = <postmaster>

If you do so, please include this problem report. You =
delete your own text from the message returned = below.

The Postfix program

<kowalski@mojserwer.pl>: unknown user: = "kowalski"

Oczywiscie uzytkownik kowalski ma zalozonego = shella

Prosze o pomoc

Received on Sat Feb 21 03:37:10 2004
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